Sunday, October 3, 2010

Trumpet Call: News from Kezi

Gathering in Kezi

We had an excellent time in Kezi at the Presbyterian Church where 120 people from 7 different churches gathered together to pray. The praise and worship was exhilarating as the rural folk sang and danced to God(The kind that gives you goose-bumps) The unity was so evident among the church folk and the atmosphere was peaceful and yet expectant that God was going to do something in Zimbabwe. Heartfelt prayer went out as people prayed for unity in our nation and that we’ll be able to feed ourselves. Stephen Manhanga did brilliantly as he shared the heart, science and technology of Foundations for Farming. Everyone was challenged and felt encouraged to plant before November 25. The older people commented that they had never seen the churches come together in unity before and hoped that this would be the start of the church leading the way.

It was an excellent day and prayer sure changes a Nation.
By Molly Manhanga

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