Thursday, September 1, 2011

Meet Mxwayisi Dube

For those of you that have been out to Ebenezer or Crossroads, you may remember Mxwayisi Dube......He is now living at Crossroads and works very closely with Stephen Manhanga. Mxwayisi, better known as Mx comes from Njelele. He joined Ebenezer in August 2007, graduated in 2009 and completed the graduate programme. At the end of 2010, he left Ebenezer and joined Crossroads full time as he is passionate about the Church.

Mx loves Jesus Christ, does brilliantly at translating English into Ndebele and sharing God's word. He is spearheading hospital and home visitations as well as all night prayer meetings. To get an income, he is in partnership with Mbekezele Moyo in running the Crossroads Tuckshop and he oversees the chicken project in Mablauwuni village for Beyond Belief.

I asked Mx recently how things were going for him his response was:
"Things are going good but there is room for improvement. I'm beginning to see more clearly what God has called me to do. I enjoy Sunday services."

He is such a blessing to so many of us.....

Molly Manhanga

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