Wednesday, October 5, 2011

When floods come

Genesis 7:1 – 24

God protects us: Genesis 6:17 – 18 “I am going to bring flood waters on the earth......everything on earth will perish. But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark – you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you.”

When natural disasters hit a community, town, city or country, the loss is mind boggling. Families get torn apart; there are lots of tears, unbearable pain or sorrow and so on.

Long ago there was a great flood. Noah and his family knew catastrophe was coming, so they built an ark at God’s command. They followed instructions. They braced for impending crisis. They endured umpteen years of looking foolish. They faced criticism, ridicule, and rejection. They plodded in the slow work of faith and love. Then the downpour came and the final command: “go into the ark.” So Noah and his family left everything and evacuated to the big boat. The devastation of the world they knew had to be heartbreaking. But they followed God, and his grace saved them from the disaster.

When storms come in your life, they may not be a calamity on the scale of the flood. But they may bring just as much sorrow and pain – an illness, an accident, a betrayal. In the midst of the event, your decisions can help save you and your family. Let’s face it; disaster can strike whether you’re a saint or a sinner. To survive requires spiritual preparation. When you build your home on the foundation of God’s Word, you can find safety despite the downpour outside. You can help those you love to weather the storm. Begin now to prepare your house for the storms that are sure to come: spend time in the Bible. Strengthen your relationship with God and with a Godly community. Bring those you love before God in prayer.

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