Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eating healthy pt 2

In Eating Healthy pt 1, the concern seemed to be about obesity and people eating fast foods. I guess the flip side of obesity is anorexia nervosa. Anorexia is a complex eating disorder with 3 key features:

1. an intense fear of gaining weight

2. refusal to maintain a healthy body weight

3. a distorted body image

Like obesity, there is a root cause to this eating disorder like overly controlling parents who put alot of emphasis on looks or our cultures idealisation of thinness, emotional difficulties, low self esteem, traumatic experiences etc etc. No matter how skinny one becomes, it's never enough. Deep seated issues are prevalent and brain chemistry plays a significant role. Now this is really simplified and put in a nutshell as this topic is huge. But like obesity, a child's long term longevity needs to be a priority and it does begin in the home.

Compiled by Molly Manhanga

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