Monday, April 2, 2012

Heaven Touches Earth - Ungodly Beliefs

  • 3 times when Jesus commissioned the disciples he sent them to preach the good news of the Kingdom, to heal the sick and to set free the spiritually oppressed. Matthew 10:5, Luke 10:17 and Mark 16:15 - 18
  • This is not just for the spiritually elite - it's for all of us. "As the Father sent me so I send you" John 20:21
  • The biblical worldview is a physical world (which we can see) co-existing with a spiritual world (which we usually can't)
  • There are opposing worldviews in the church......
  1. Christian headinthesandism - if I ignore it, it won't bother me. Solution - wake up! Jesus did not ignore it - He set free the oppressed, challenged ungodly beliefs and bound up the broken hearted.
  2. Christian annoying superspiritualism - everything is an issue, demon behind every bush etc. If you sneeze they try to cast it out of you. If you've had a hard day they ask you about your father. Solution - stop it.

What Jesus accomplished through His death and resurrection
  • ......God's power was released (I Corinthians 1:18)
  • ....salvation (completeness, wholeness) was won (1 Corinthians 1:18)
  • .....our old self was crucified - all habitual sins beaten (Romans 6, Galatians 6:14)
  • .....we were reconciled to each other and God - hatred defeated (Ephesians 2:16)
  • .....the record of debt against us was cancelled (Colossians 2:14)
  • .....the enemy was disarmed and defeated (Colossians 2:15)
  • ......physical, spiritual and emotional healing came (1 Peter 2:24)
Through Christ's resurrection our identity was transformed
  • are now IN CHRIST (John 14:20) which speaks of intimacy with god, Peace and comfort,power to bring God's Kingdom.
  • are now HEAVENLY CITIZENS (Philippians 3:20) which means you have access to heavens resources and changes your perspective on life.
  • are now A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (1 John 3:1) which means you have access to FATHER-KING and have privilege of ministering to Him and for Him.
  • are now AMBASSADORS (2 Corinthians 5:20) which means we carry within us the reconciling message of God. What a purpose! What honour!

Dealing with Ungodly Beliefs
  • An ungodly belief is any belief, decision, attitude, agreement that does not agree with God - his word, his nature or his character. Everyone to some extent lives out of false beliefs about God, themselves, and others.
  • Becoming a Christian destroys many of these lies but many more are left intact and need to be brought into line with gospel truth. Paul was well aware of this which is why he wrote "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." Romans 12:2
  • James also referenced the duality when he wrote "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the red sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." James 1:6 - 8
  • Until an ungodly belief is pointed out to us,it can be completely hidden. Most ungodly beliefs are a mixture of truth and error.

How do we develop ungodly beliefs?
  • Usually through childhood hurt and trauma.
  • The ungodly beliefs that develop depends on the personality make-up of the child.
  • Some ungodly beliefs form from actual parental training - 'son, trust no-one, etc
  • Ungodly beliefs in our culture often come through educational system or T.V. These are held as 'unquestioned' authorities by many children and adults.
  • Repetition of hurts reinforce the ungodly belief. We become 'sensitive' and almost 'look for' the things that reinforce the ungodly belief.
  • Areas of ungodly beliefs are rejection, guilt/shame, performance, control, physical identity, safety, retaliation and relationships. There are Godly truths for each of these.

Ungodly judgements and vows
  • Some ungodly beliefs take the form of vows and judgements. Often we make these early in life.
  • Jesus warns against making vows but I say to you, "Do not take an oath at all.....let what you say be simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything more than this comes from evil." Matthew 5:37
  • Jesus warns against making judgements "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged, and with the ,measure you use it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1 - 5 and Matthew 15:4 
  • Vows and judgements don't have to be spoken to have power - they can simply be thoughts 'held tightly'. Vows take ungodly beliefs to the next level and locks us in.
  • Ungodly judgements have a particular way of 'working themselves out' in someones life. e.g. the guy who judged his controlling mother marries a controlling wife.
  • Remember judging means to 'judge so as to condemn' and is different from discerning good from evil (Romans 12:2)  If I judge I end up feeling superior and have contempt whereas I can discern and yet still love and honour.
  • We walk into freedom as we identify the ungodly belief, repent of it (chose to change our thinking) and ask the Holy Spirit to speak into our spirits the truth. the Holy Spirit's job is to 'lead us into truth.'

Summarised handout

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