Friday, July 6, 2012

Pointers from "Let It Go!"

I really enjoy reading different books, magazines, blogs, articles etc as they present different styles of writing, topics of interest, humour now and again etc. This morning I read an excerpt from a book called "Let It Go" and it spoke about forgiveness and unforgiveness. The idea of forgiveness being a "big idea" caught my attention as well as the vocabulary and style of writing. It also made me self-evaluate which is always a good thing.....
Here are some pointers and see what you think.......

  1. It takes a person who thinks big ideas rather than comparatively small thoughts to introduce and practice forgiveness effectively.
  2. Unforgiveness denies the 'person' the possibility of parole and leaves them stuck in the prison of what was......
  3. People who don't forgive neutralize their own growth potential.
  4. Metaphorically speaking - unforgiveness unchecked becomes like a cancer in our soul
  1. is essential if we are to grow into the fullness of who God created us to be.
  2. requires daily practice rather than the pressure of crisis management.
  3. Think on an altitude beyond attitudes.
  4. In order to forgive others, we must be willing to look at our own ability to hurt, offend and injure those around us, often people we love the most.
  5. Matthew 6:11 - 12 "Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."
  6. isn't about weakening you but strengthening you to live again and love again, performing at your highest capacity, uncumbered by yesterday's maladies.

Compiled by Molly Manhanga

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