Tuesday, August 27, 2013

To be a man......Cultural perspective.....

What exactly does it mean to be a man - from a cultural view point in Mablauwuni village? A young gentleman said being a man means:
1.Having a wife and children
2. Wives are not supposed to get too "close" to their husbands
3. Wives are supposed to follow their husbands - no matter what......
4. Men are not supposed to get "close" to their children; particularly the girl child etc, etc

Many men don't go to church because the Bible is counter - culture (The teachings from the Bible differ from culture)

However, the younger generation is now changing due to the teachings they are receiving and getting saved. The young people find it easy to show affection towards their wives and children. It was felt that the older people would have more difficulty changing due to the cultural teachings they received many years ago.....

Interesting perspective...

Written by Molly Manhanga

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