Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Turning a new page......

Stephen Manhanga

Turning a new page as Crossroads Community Church
Let us arise and build

Text: Nehemiah 2:17 – 20
As we enter a new year we say goodbye to the past and embrace the future. In Nehemiah, we find inspiration, vision, courage and determination. We want to rebuild the walls in our lives: walls of friendship, relationship, community, marriage, self worth and acceptance. We will arise and build not only emotionally, but also spiritually and physically.

It took 52 days to build the walls around Jerusalem. As Crossroads, we want to build a physical building. It may take 52 weeks but it will take effort and hard work. We will face opposition. We will encounter difficulties. Nehemiah faced opposition from outside: there was Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem and he faced opposition from within: people fought with each other. How do we overcome?
1. Through prayer and fasting
2. Developing a genuine love for one another
3. Being concerned for one another. In the book of Acts – we see a great example from the early church where no one lacked anything and they had all things in common.

Much jubilation at the Crossroads stand as we entered 2009

In 2009, let us ARISE and BUILD
Let’s read the word, have wholesome talk, speak the truth in love.
IRON sharpens IRON.

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