Three months down the line into what has been happening at Crossroads? Here is a brief rundown:
1. Vision Sunday - The year started with Vision Sunday where Stephen shared what the vision for 2013 is and encouraged the church folk to get plugged. The response was good.
2. Water baptism - 9 people got baptised: 3 women and 6 men. This was encouraging and ended with a church luncheon.
3. Water Project - The water project is continuing. It has gone slower than anticipated but 600m of polypipe has gone into the ground now.
4. All night prayer - About 150 people - adults and children turned up for our all night prayer meeting which ended with an Easter Sunday sunrise service. The church watched "The Passion of the Christ" which is a very sobering movie. There were lots of testimonies and vibrant praise and worship. Everyone seemed to have a good time.
5. 26 ladies have mobilized themselves to help grieving families.
6. The FUEL Team from Capetown, South Africa were down in Kezi and a group attended the service this past Sunday. It was great getting to meet the team.
We were hoping to have started an Early Childhood Development Centre at Crossroads in January but this has not panned out.We will look at it in the near future.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers. Much appreciated........
By Molly Manhanga