Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Repairs on the roof.....

Before and...
As part of the renovations that were done at Crossroads, the outside kitchen roof was taken down and re-thatched. It looks pretty good now

By Molly Manhanga


A perspective from the elderly.......

Sam Ndlovu - 91 years old
Some of the teachings that the older men received when they were young are:
1. A man needs to have a home before he can marry
2. The aspect of respect is crucial
3. Asking for advice was also imperative

Misheck Ndzunga - 78 years old

What is their view on the younger generation in the community? Although they felt that the behaviour of men is changing, the young people
1. Change partners too readily
2. They are not receiving advice from the older people
3. Young people are driven by the need for money. To elaborate - the older folk felt they were taught to work in team (cook, eat and drink) together for the betterment of the community and for relational purposes. They young people have the view point of "nothing for nothing" i.e. how much will you pay me?

This too is an interesting view point. Can the young and the old glean the good points from each other. Time will tell.........

Harvison Ncube - 68 years old

By Molly Manhanga

To be a man......Cultural perspective.....

What exactly does it mean to be a man - from a cultural view point in Mablauwuni village? A young gentleman said being a man means:
1.Having a wife and children
2. Wives are not supposed to get too "close" to their husbands
3. Wives are supposed to follow their husbands - no matter what......
4. Men are not supposed to get "close" to their children; particularly the girl child etc, etc

Many men don't go to church because the Bible is counter - culture (The teachings from the Bible differ from culture)

However, the younger generation is now changing due to the teachings they are receiving and getting saved. The young people find it easy to show affection towards their wives and children. It was felt that the older people would have more difficulty changing due to the cultural teachings they received many years ago.....

Interesting perspective...

Written by Molly Manhanga

Thursday, August 22, 2013

God speaks through nature

Some of the scenery surrounding Crossroads Community Church..... By Molly Manhanga

A glimpse of the children......

Their faces tell it all......

"I am fearfully and wonderfully made"

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

'United" with food....

So, what's on the menu at Crossroads?

The men decided to provide the meat and braai/barbacue it while the ladies were to cook the sadza and relish. Together, the Crossroads folk were able to share a meal whilst watching the DVD "Courageous"  -  before the Netball challenge


It was good seeing how the folk came together, contributed the 'eats', cooked it and enjoyed the meal.


By Molly Manhanga

The clash of the sexes......

Gender bias, gender empowerment, gender enhancement.........no, not quite........it's "Simply Netball" - The young ladies taking on the young gentlemen in a game of netball.

The young ladies were up for the challenge as they took their positions on the field with confidence. The young men were a little hesitant as they organised their team and took their positions. The game started off rather slowly but it didn't take the men long to find their feet and increase the pace of the game. It became fast and competitive - jumping, throwing, defending, catching and scoring. In and amongst this was alot of laughter and calling out for the ball.

The final score:
Men - 12
Ladies - 6

One could then argue that the men were faster, taller and stronger......Guess they were. It was an entertaining game to watch.

By Molly Manhanga

How "Courageous" are you? pt 2

Chantelle Ndlovu (Left) and Precious Ndlovu
Comments about the movie from 2 ladies, Chantelle Ndlovu and Precious Ndlovu, who were visiting Crossroads on Sunday were as follows:

1. Fathers need to take care of their families
2. Fathers need to work in order to provide for their families.
3. Fathers need to show love (be more affectionate) with their wives and children.

Excellent values are portrayed but how realistic is this with the cultural norms in Mablauwuni village? More to follow.......

By Molly Manhanga

How "Courageous" are you? pt 1

On Sunday we had a service with a difference - we watched the DVD "Courageous" as the conclusion to the 5 week series on Foundations for Family which include:
1. Everyone in a family
2. Committed couples
3. Valued children
4. Sexual purity
5. Christ centredness

The theme was around 'family' and fathers standing up to provide for, care for, protect and love their families as well as being the spiritual head of their family. Needless to say, the aspect of honesty with oneself and others in the home and the workplace shone through.

Honouring God makes a huge difference in how we handle different aspects of our life.

"Leave a Godly legacy."

"Where are you men of courage?"

The movie is brilliant and worth watching.

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 28:14 

Written by Molly Manhanga

Friday, August 16, 2013

Ladies in Mablauwuni village getting sporty!

Lettie Ndlovu - leader of the Kids work at Crossroads and part of the Home Based Care initiative serving the community, organised for the ladies to get together on Saturday 10 August 2013 and have some fun. Netball was the name of the game and it was excellent seeing the young and old getting sporty.

The ladies will be taking on the 'men' this Sunday in a game of netball and the younger folk will challenge the young ladies to a game of soccer. It should be fun watching all this action.......

                                                                                                                  Stay tuned for some feedback...

By Molly Manhanga

Lettie Ndlovu spurring the ladies