Monday, December 14, 2009

Crossroads Leaders Being Spurred On.....

…… Scott Marques ........

It was wonderful when Scott Marques visited Ebenezer Training Centre and took time to meet with and encourage the up and coming leaders of Crossroads Community Church. He “heard their voices” before encouraging them. He said:

1. There are leaders in the staff who genuinely love and pray for them. He encouraged the emerging leaders to open their hearts to the staff and to God and shine as an example at Ebenezer and the community. They will impact many people. Scott said the leaders had done well.

2. He encouraged them to shine in what they are doing as it will not only affect Kezi, but Bulawayo and other regions like Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and so on. He purred them on by saying they need to have missional thinking and be faithful as faithfulness leads to fruitfulness. God brings the fruits when we are faithful.

Some of the emerging leadersfrom Crossroads Community Church

Stephen Manhanga – leader of Crossroads Community Church, thanked Scott who came from Mozambique and took the time to visit Kezi to encourage the leaders. What a blessing!
By Molly Manhanga

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