Sunday, October 10, 2010

Celebrations at Crossroads

Stephen Manhanga

We had an excellent service at Crossroads. A service with much laughter, dancing and such a happy atmosphere. Stephen did a brilliant job telling the story of Paul’s journey to Rome. Stephen has an amazing way of making stories come to life. The church responded so well to him. We are also blessed to have Brett Mills come from London U.K to serve us for 3 months.

Stephen, Sam and Marlene sharing a meal at Ebenezer
Apart from that, we celebrated Stephen’s birthday today. Spoiling him was great and a surprise later in the week is in store for him as well. Friends came out to Kezi to spend the weekend with us - Rodney, Daphne, Mervyn and Wessely Saunders. It was awsome having Brett Mills from the U.K and Sam and Marlene Poe as well. Sam did an excellent job of getting the church to pray for Stephen and prophesying over him. Really inspirational. What a great day!

Friends sharing a meal with Stephen
By Molly Manhanga

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