Thursday, September 15, 2011

Movie Review: The Eagle

The Eagle: The Destiny Of A Soldier. The Honour Of A Slave. The fate Of An Empire.

This is another early century movie. It’s a historic epic set in second century Britain. Honour, valour, restoration, making peace etc seem to be the thread running through these early century movies.........and alot of fighting. For me, Martin Luther King Jr’s words encapsulate this movie: “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”

Marcus Aquila (Channing Tatum) is out to find out what happened to the Ninth Legion which his father was commander of. The Ninth Legion went missing 15 years earlier in the mountains of Scotland. Aquila makes quite a journey with his British slave Esca (Jamie Bell) in an attempt to recover the last Legions golden emblem – the valuable and treasured Eagle of the North. They encounter savage tribes of the land and I found it quite interesting when roles were reversed – Aquila becoming Esca’s slave – which was part of the plan and a way of helping Aquila which he found out later.

The emblem is recovered and returned in and amongst battles and honour is returned to Marcus Aquila. It’s an interesting movie with a good storyline.

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