Saturday, May 4, 2019


Fascinated at how the human brain works? I am! My experiences over the last decade has 'forced' me to take note of how my brain works, what memories are stored whether pleasant or unpleasant and how to 'carry on' regardless of the circumstances in front of me.

I have read that memories are stored in "various areas of the cerebral cortex, which is the large outer area of the brain more commonly known as 'gray matter'. When your brain stores a memory, it makes another decision about how important that memory is..." 

I am so thankful to God that I have MANY pleasant memories. I thank God for creating me in His image  and likeness and for making me so unique. Psalm 139:1 - 18.  The plans He has for me are to give me a hope and a future Jeremiah 29:11.

Then there are the memories that are not so pleasant that have been stored away. Memories that have mainly been created by external forces. Because of my belief in God, I have been able to rise above whatever has come my way. Spiritual battles  - there are many, especially the battle for the mind. There are so many distractions/temptations that are deliberately created in this digital age we live in but, like Joseph, we need to be able to refuse 'things' that are wrong because it would be a great sin against God.

We need to know who we are in Christ, that the battle is His and not ours. We need to live lives worthy of our calling and no matter what comes our way, to stand firm in Christ. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.

By Molly Manhanga.

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