Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Heroes - Samson By Steve Manhanga

Stephen Manhanga did so well at ONE Church in Harare on the last of their series Heroes. He spoke about Samson. ONE Church is led by Sean and Debbie Mullens.
The scriptures Steve spoke from are Hebrews 11:32, 34 emphasis was on: "Whose weakness was turned to strength" but he focused mainly on Judges 16
  • Samson was a judge.
  • 40 a significant number i.e. 40 years in the wilderness, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, Jesus fasted for 40 days,etc,etc
  • Samson was a Nazarite, set apart. He was not allowed to cut his hair. Samson grew up knowing that he was different. He was not allowed to touch anything dead. God had set the Nazarites apart.
  • Samson understood that he had supernatural abilities.
  • We all like heroes - the knight in shining armour. People wondered where his strength came from
  • Judges 14:5 - 6 - he killed a lion with his bear hands, v19, when the spirit of the Lord came upon him, he did great exploits. Samson did things in the spirit and not the flesh. Samson subdued 30 men, Chapter 15:3 when Samson was angry, he caught 300 foxes, tied their tails and lit them. 
  • Ch 15:14, He was challenged by 1000 men. Samson found the jawbone of a donkey and killed them. With God nothing is impossible.
  • Samson had a weakness though and that was women!!!

ONE Peeps praising God

  • Judges 16:4 - Samson genuinely loved Delilah - to the extent that it cost his life.
  • Sometimes we become too familiar. Delilah would ask him where his strength came from and at first he didn't tell her. When Samson was relaxed with his head on her lap - and he was tired, he reveals the truth. She sent a message while Samson was sleeping and his hair got cut off.
  • The spirit departed from Samson but he didn't realise that. His eyes were gouged out and he was put in the mill to grind the corn. He went round and round. Even in that state, God comes and ministers to him and his hair begins to grow again.
  • God has a purpose and a plan for us.
  •  v28, Samson says to the Lord "Please strengthen me - only this once." Make this our everyday prayer. While people try to make fun of us, God is working a plan.
  •  There were 3000 men and women in an auditorium and Samson pushed the pillars. The auditorium collapsed killing everyone in it including Samson.

Sean Mullens leading us in a time of prayer
To Note: God is still with us even if we fail, call on Him and pray "please strengthen me....."
    Stephen ended by asking everyone to sing Hosanna and the key words:
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things
Show me how to love like
You have loved me... 

We had such an incredible time during praise and worship and during the word.

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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