Monday, October 15, 2012

Spiritual Well-Being by Angus Buchan (iii)

Angus Buchan
Use what you have

I was reminded again how many times in the Bible ordinary working men and women are used by God to assist His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ on His mission here on earth. There’s Joseph. He wasn’t a high priest, but a carpenter. There’s the 12 disciples the Lord chose to do his work on earth when our Saviour was raised from the dead. Each was a worker.

As I said before, God is no respecter of people. And many times in the Bible, He uses men of the land. Farmers like Abraham, shepherds like David; and we hear a lot about the seed sower and the ploughman.

I think so often we underestimate ourselves, especially when we expect certain roles to be undertaken by the clergy. I remember somebody telling me once that shepherds look after sheep, but it’s sheep that produce sheep. In other words, it’s up to people like you and me, to tell others the good news and to direct them into the body of believers. The minister/priest/pastor will take care of the new lambs…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

We need to be real. People want real answers, and they want solutions to real problems. The time of ‘playing church’ is over – especially when you consider how many people in the secular world are looking for help. I really feel that we need to step forward. We need to fill this gap for our nation.

Just recently I’ve had the responsibility of comforting those who have lost loved ones in farming accidents. I’ve walked that road myself and I really do understand what lies ahead for these people and I think when they come to see me they know that I know.

I don’t speak very much, because there isn’t a lot to say, but I do weep with them because I really feel for them. And unless you’ve actually been there, it’s very hard to understand what a person is going through.

And in the world at large, people don’t want theory, they don’t want to be ‘Bible-bashed’, they want the truth, and they want it from people who have been there.

Don’t underestimate your ‘training’. You might have gone to a theological college, but you might have been to the school of life, the school of hard knocks. Use what you have for the Lord.


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