Monday, November 28, 2011

Gleaned from Ruth

The book of Ruth is an ancient story that follows the journey of one Jewish family’s struggle for survival. Escaping famine, Elimelech travelled to Moab with his wife, Naomi, and two sons. But 10 years later, we find Naomi in mourning at the loss of both her husband and two sons. She is left alone in a foreign land with two Moabite daughters-in-law and no hope of future happiness…..or so it seems. Naomi is a woman who forgot her dream, but God had not forgotten her. Through an unlikely chain of events, God restored her joy through her foreigner daughter-in-law and a kind, wealthy relative.

Ruth 1:16 “Don’t urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”
What do we learn from Ruth?1. Ruth was faithful towards God.
2. Ruth, Naomi and Boaz remain strong in character and true to God even when the society around them was collapsing.
3. She was loyal to people: to be loyal and loving in relationships, we must imitate God’s faithfulness in our relationships with others.
4. The values portrayed by Ruth were in contrast to those of the culture portrayed in Judges. Our lives should stand out from the world around us.
5. Trust God’s protection. Our hope is in Him and he can work in the life of any person.
6. Love is the greatest blessing. Blessings come in the high quality relationships God makes possible for us. Love and respect the people God has brought into our lives. In so doing, we give and receive blessings.

Compiled by Molly Manhanga

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