Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Book Review: "Woman, Thou Art Loosed" by T.D Jakes

I purchased this book a few years ago together with the DVD. I thought it would be really helpful to read up on experiences faced by women. Some are heart-wrenching to say the least.

Watching the DVD and seeing how the women respond to T.D Jakes points are both entertaining and yet so poignant. The tears, laughter and jubilation at how God can set women free and heal them are really inspirational and moving.

“Woman, Thou Art Loosed!” is about healing the wounds of the past – traumas, tragedies, disappointments. God is a magnificent healer. There is nothing too difficult for
Him. Many examples of brokenness are given such as:

1. Broken homes often produce broken children
2. Molestation
3. Rape
4. Abuse
5. Effects of adultery
6. Deception is emotional rape
We may have gone through horrible times but Jesus is interceding on our behalf and his grace is so sufficient for our needs.

The first chapter is the ‘Infirmed Woman’ and speaks about the person, the problem and the prescription. It takes God’s word to put the past under your feet. “Every woman has something she wishes she could forget...............Forgetting isn’t a memory lapse; it is a memory release!” The last chapter deals with ‘Breaking The Chain’. It can be summarised in this paragraph:
“God knows there is a Sarah, a Rahab, a woman at the well, a Ruth, or even a Mary in you. Hidden inside of you is a great woman who can do great exploits in His name. He wants that woman to be set free. He wants that potential within you to be unleashed so you can become the person you were created to be.”

Some of the issues portrayed are so far removed from my own experience as a woman but I empathise. This book is certainly for the “single parent, battered wife, abused girl and insecure woman. There is a cure for the crisis.................and a deep cleansing for those inaccessible areas of the feminine heart.”

By Molly Manhanga

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