Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day Service: LOVE.......

Jubilation at the Valentine’s Day service
Stephen started by encouraging the church not to be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap and whatsoever we do, we need to do it to the glory of God.
The 14th February is Valentines Day worldwide and people make the most of this day declaring their LOVE to a husband, wife, family member, boy or girl. Cards and flowers or dinner, a movie or some other special gift are the most common way of expressing love.

Older ladies singing group: They are encouraging the church to be like Jesus
John 15: 9
Words from Jesus “As the father loved me......” v13 is crucial. Jesus is talking about love. What is love? Stephen asked for an open discussion on what Crossroads folk thought love was. The participation was good. Here are some thoughts:

Love is..............• Being humble
• 100%, not 50/50 or 60/40
• Starts with the heart
• Having love in my heart means that I am able to share it with others
• Deep feeling for someone or something
• Love is in the blood
• Agape and Eros

When we talk about love, we need a clear picture of what it is. There is a saying: “Men are looking for sex and are prepared to give love for it. Women are looking for love and are prepared to give sex for it.” True or not, we all desire to be loved and appreciated.

Jesus gives us a new picture or way of looking at love. He brings love in a different way to what we expect. Look at sport: soccer, rugby etc. People are prepared to die for their teams. Jesus says “Greater love has no man than to lay his life down for his friend.” This is the true test of love.

Songs of love being sung to God

When we say we love someone, what do we mean? Do we lift them up, encourage them, stand with them, help them or are concerned about them? Stephen encouraged the church again to love one another. When we have love, we’ll be prepared to lay our lives down for each other. There is a song which speaks about the love of man being small whilst the love of God is BIG. Because we have God living in us, our love can be BIG too! We need to have genuine love for each other. 1 Corinthians 13 says love is kind, gentle, peaceable, patient, longsuffering etc. Let’s not just say we love one another but let’s “do” love – put the ‘walk’ to our talk. Let us spur each other on, encourage each other and stand with each other. That’s love!

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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