Thursday, June 16, 2011

Service with a Difference

Stephen and I did a tag team session on 1 Timothy 1:1 – 20. It was interesting and different for the church to see me upfront on a Sunday morning. The women weren’t too surprised as I’ve shared regularly at our Women’s Meetings. Stephen was pretty confident that I’d do well seeing as it was his idea for us to tag. With prayer, all things are possible......

1 Timothy 1:1 – 2 (Stephen) We model our values without trying very hard. Parents demonstrate to their children what they consider important and valuable. Like father, like son. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Paul was an apostle. An apostle means “one who is sent” – was sent by Jesus Christ.
Timothy had been sent by Paul to lead the Ephesian Church. He says Timothy is my true child there was a relationship, identity and personal instruction for discipline and administration.

1 Timothy 1:3 – 7 (Molly) Paul first visited Ephesus on his second missionary journey (Acts 18:19 – 21) and later on his third missionary journey where he stayed for 3 years. Ephesus was one of the major cities in the Roman Empire – the centre for commerce, politics and religions. There was a temple dedicated to the Goddess Artemis (Diane).
The church in Ephesus may have been plagued by heresy. Some Ephesians made up stories based on the Old Testament history. The false teachers were motivated by their own interests rather than Christ’s. They got the church arguing in irrelevant, endless controversies. We too can get caught up in worthless discussions clouding out the life-changing message of Christ. Avoid anything that keeps you from doing God’s work.

1 Timothy 1:8 – 11 (Stephen) Beware of false teachers. There are people who want to be famous or well known and respected. They don’t understand the laws of purpose. The law was not meant to give believers a list of commands for every occasion but to show unbelievers their sin and bring them to God.

1 Timothy 1: 12 – 17 (Molly) People can feel so guilty about their past that they feel God could never forgive or accept them. Paul spoke about himself as being the “chief” of sinners. He persecuted the Christians, hunted them down and killed. He laughed at the message of Christ until he had the radical encounter on the road to Damascus. Acts 9:1 – 9, God forgave Paul and used him mightily for his kingdom. No matter how shameful or bad your past is, God can forgive and use you.

1 Timothy 1: 18 – 20 (Stephen) Paul calls Timothy his child and it’s because of prophesies previously made. Through prophesy, important messages of warning and encouragement came to the church. 1 Corinthians 14:1 Timothy set apart, hands laid on him and elders prophesied about Timothy’s gifts.

How do we keep a clear conscience?
1. Treasure your faith in Christ more than anything else and do what you know is right. Each time you deliberately ignore your conscience, you are hardening your heart. God speaks to us through our conscience letting us know the difference between right and wrong.

Next week we look at 1 Timothy 2

Summarised by Molly Manhanga

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