Tuesday, March 6, 2018

In a Battle

Most of us know that we are in a battle and when we think we have overcome one battle another one pitches up at our door.

When we think about David fighting Goliath, he minimized the problem and magnified God. Shadrek, Mishek and Abednigo minimized their great challenge and magnified God. When Moses faced the difficulty of the Red sea on one side of him and Pharaoh’s army approaching on the other, he minimized the problem and magnified God. When Samson’s eyes were gouged out and he was walking in circles, he called upon God to give him strength just one last time.

Our battles sometimes appear to be people and we think we need to fight each other to gain victory or to have the upper hand. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that “we are not fighting against flesh and blood” but against rulers, principalities, wickedness in high places.  

2 Chronicles 20:15 tells us not to be “afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not’ ours ‘but Gods.’ He again comes to the forefront.

For our breakthrough to happen, we need to put everything at His feet. 

How we need to magnify God in everything! There is power in the name of JESUS.

By Molly Manhanga

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