Tuesday, February 9, 2010



We need faith in God to participate with His plans. We need to develop our faith in God’s wisdom, God’s ways and God’s power. Many people major on only one aspect of faith; faith to receive from God. They do not know that is faith to refuse too. In Hebrews 11 we are told some refused deliverance through their faith. Faith is actually our tool to participate with God, for His plans to be executed on earth. It will entail believing, acting and speaking His word. Faith is involved in seeing what God sees, so when we say what he has said, we are on the same wavelength. Many only major on faith for receiving, however some have gone beyond that to have faith for giving. If the truth be known, faith is a lifestyle that respects, reckons, obeys, honours and applies God’s word to any and every situation.

It takes faith to say “If God does not deliver, we will still serve Him.” The 3 Hebrew children were ready to lay down their lives for the belief they had in their God. I wonder how many in the church today will joyfully preach when persecution scatters them. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Pleasing God is the real goal of faith.

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