Monday, February 8, 2010

Strength for the journey

I was reading “Strength for The Journey” written by Rev. Kola Ewuosho of Fountain of Wisdom Ministries, Virginia Waters, U.K, and enjoyed these truths so much. This is what he wrote:
Time and tide, they say, waits for no man. We are all given 24 hours for each day and when it is gone, it can never be regained. So learn to use time wisely. In this write up, I am speaking to people who want their life to count for now and eternity. Those who want to fulfil God’s purposes for their lives and have the fulfillment that they are on course for their destinies in God to be fulfilled. By that I mean, whatever God has designed for their lives to contribute that is what they want too. We are looking at 4 different aspects of this journey called life, to see how we can be encouraged to pursue this walk of faith to fulfil our part in the eternal plans of God for our lives.

They are:
1. Motive and Focus
2. Existing preconceptions
3. Faith to participate with God
4. The role of relationships

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