Tuesday, May 17, 2011

COSMOS at Crossroads

A team of 6 doctors and nurses from Australia, came to serve the Mablauwuni Community on May 2nd. They arrived at Crossroads at 7:00am to set up and started seeing patients at 9:00am. They had devotions first before attending to the patients. The team comprised of 2 men and 4 ladies.

60 people were seated and waiting to be seen but as the day progressed, more and more people from the community arrived. In total, the doctors and nurses saw about 200 patients.

The triage table was set up to determine the ailment of the patient and whether they should see the doctor or be attended to by a nurse. The majority of patients were women and the least were children. The most common ailments were chest & back pain while the children suffered from scabies.

Although the medical outreach finished at 6:00pm, not all the patients were seen. They needed to head to Ebenezer the next day where the doctors would spend time with the apprentices. All in all, it was an excellent outreach.

By Molly Manhanga

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