Friday, November 2, 2012

Spiritual Well-Being with Angus Buchan pt (iv)

Get your priorities straight

Christian writer Sias Roodt says the first thing you should do every morning is listen to that other voice, take that other point of view, let that “other, larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in.” Put another way, if we’re going to succeed in this life we need to allow the Lord to show us what’s important each day in our lives.

We can’t be half-hearted about anything in life anymore. Profit margins are minimal, and we can’t afford to make mistakes. And when it comes to morals we need to be on our toes…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

We need to be aware of what our families are up to. What does it profit a farmer if he works his heart out and his children run riot? That farm will be destroyed in no time at all when they eventually come back to take it over.


The very hardships we face temper us and our children, and we learn to put first things first……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

We need to operate very carefully with priorities. Each morning before we start work we need to ask God what the important things are we need to focus on that day. A successful farmer isn’t someone who’s lucky. They’ve put their priorities in order. That is, first God, then family, then work.


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