Thursday, July 23, 2009

Influential Women by Wendy Virgo

This is one of those books that you can’t put down once you start reading. From her wealth of experience, Wendy writes with such “transparency, truth and tenderness.”

From the New Testament to today – how women can build up (or undermine) their local church…….

“Women are powerful in the church,” writes Wendy Virgo. “They can be a tremendous asset – or a huge liability. They can influence the whole ambience of a church.”

Here are Priscilla, Tabitha, Lois and Eunice, Euodia and Syntyche, and others. Some are saints, full of good works; some were frankly poisonous and did considerable harm. What can we learn?

Two choices: either purchase or borrow the book and read it or a Book Review will follow shortly…..

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