Monday, July 9, 2012

Facing your Giants (pt 2) by Molly Manhanga

1. The odds are against you
2. Do you see God?

3. The battle is the Lord's: As David rushes toward Goliath, Goliath throws back his head in laughter, just enough to shift his helmet and expose a square inch of forehead. David sees that and swirls his sling shot. The stone hits right into Goliaths forehead. Infact, 1 Samuel 17:48 says "The stone sunk into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground." David runs over and yanks Goliath's sword from its sheath, and cuts off his head. When last did you rush your Goliath, kill it and cut off it's head? Our tendency is to retreat or duck behind a desk. Try a different tactic. Rush your giant with a "God-saturated soul". Amplify God and minimise Goliath. How long since you loaded your sling and took a swing at your Goliath? Lesson: There needs to come a time when you say enough is enough! No more! Trust God and let Him do the fighting for you. Just as God caused a miracle to take place through David, He can do the same for you. 
We are not perfect but God looks at our heartsActs 13:22 reminds us that God said that "David was a man after God's own heart."  When David was good, he was very good but when he was bad - no one could be worse!
Lets focus on God. The times David did, the giants fell. The days he didn't, David fell.

4. Focus on God, Not the Giants: David made 2 observations about Goliath: one was a statement to Saul about Goliath and one was to Goliath's face - "Who is this uncircumsized Philistine that he should challenge the armies of the living God." and "You come to me with a sword, with a spear and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel." David came full of faith and God caused a miracle to take place through him. You see David didn't ask about Goliaths skill, his IQ, social standing, age etc. He had 'God-thoughts' Lesson: Come as you are and God will meet with you, causing miracles to take place. Speak truths from the word of God into your life and don't let anyone tell you differently.

What do we learn from this?
1. God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Never think of yourself as inadequate, inferior, insignificant and don't allow anyone to tell you that either.
2. There will be people who will try to pull you down, try to squash you, try to "put you in your place" so to speak, but LOOK UP and LET GOD........let Him cause a miracle through you. Through David, God showed how mighty He is and He can do the same for you and me!

Nothing, absolutely nothing, is impossible with God.

Notes adapted from Max Lucado's book "Facing your Giants"

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