Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Gifts of The Holy Spirit

These gifts from 1 Corinthians 12:1 - 10 will be looked at in 3 phases. Paul encourages us to desire these gifts, to be zealous for these gifts as they are given to us to help build up and encourage the church of Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 14:12

Phase 1:

1. Revelation Gifts
These are gifts that reveal something concerning a person or a situation.

Word of Wisdom
This is a supernatural ability to know God's heart concerning a situation in the future and how to deal with it. It gives divine means as to how to accomplish God's will in a situation.

Word of Knowledge
This is the ability to know something about a person or situation that has been revealed supernaturally by God.

Discerning of Spirits
This is the ability to discern what spiritual beings (angels or demons) are in operation in a person or situation.

Taken from Julian C Adams book "Gaining Heaven's Perspective"

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