Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ladies Workshop at Crossroads pt 2

Cutting around the pattern to make a re-usable pad

Letta Ndlovu busy sewing
The session on sanitary pads included a discussion on what women in the rural communities currently use and the dangers of some of the materials used, re-usable pads as well as how to make sanitary pads.
Ladies making progress sewing her re-usable sanitary pad
Overall comments from some of the ladies
1. Very excited because now she will be able to change some of the things she does/uses in her house.
2. She'll be able to teach other young ladies how to make sanitary pads.
3. One lady was so excited because she usually doesn't socialise/meet with other women and now her husband allowed her to attend the ladies workshop.
4. Knowing how to make sanitary pads will reduce costs of purchasing them in town.
Finished product

Compiled by Molly Manhanga

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