Saturday, March 17, 2012

Up close and personal with Greg Virkler

It was really great seeing Greg again in Zimbabwe and particularly out in Kezi. This was his second time on the Life Change Team with Sam and Marlene Poe. He was out here 2 years ago. It was good to catch up with him. Greg attends Jubilee Church in St Louis led by Steve Miles.
Greg Virkler
M.M: This is your second time to Kezi. What are the obvious changes that you can see?
G.V: The conditions seem harder at Ebenezer and yet the apprentices are still working hard. I admire their perseverance. It's good to see the church, the Tuckshop and the Grinding Mill at Crossroads. When I was last here, they weren't there. It's also good to see what is on the Crossroads stand/plot. I recall Steve sharing the vision and it's wonderful to come out here and see it come forth. It is dramatically different. We now need to see God at work!
M.M: How did you like the service at Crossroads?
G.V: I love seeing the freedom of worship, the enthusiasm and the joy of God in people. It's nice. People here worship God from their heart. Sometimes we get caught up in making things appear nice e.g. posters, great worship band etc. That's not bad but people here just worship from the heart.
M.M: Would you like to come back again to Zimbabwe?
G.V: I want to bring my wife and son. God just draws your heart to people. We have developed good friendships with people. Whatever we do, its done on the basis of relationships with people.
M.M: I agree. Relationships are amazing! Whats your favourite quote?
G.V: Thomas Edison "I haven't failed. I've just found 1000 things that don't work." It inspires me.
M.M: What book have you read recently that inspired you?
G.V: Wayne Cordero's book called "The Divine Mentor". As we read the Bible, we can learn from the lives of Bible characters like Joseph, Abraham, Moses etc. I listen to what God is telling me and I journal . we are using it in our local church.
M.M: So great seeing you again Greg and chatting to you. Lets hope you'll be able to come back again with your family.
By Molly Manhanga

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