Friday, March 16, 2012

Up close and personal with Joshua Evan LeMasters

Joshua Evan LeMasters

M.M: Tell me briefly about your background?
J.L: I was born in Missouri. I have one younger brother and 2 older sisters. I work and serve in the church in Joplin, Missouri. my brother serves the church in Atlanta led by Carl and Virginia Harrington.

M.M: How did you get saved?
J.L: My aunt and uncle influenced me. They attended the church in Joplin for many years and during the summer they would have braai's and invite their christian friends over. It was really casual and drew me in.

M.M: Great. What is your impression of Zimbabwe?
J.L: This is my first time here and my first time to leave America. I love it here in Zimbabwe. The climate, the people are full of hospitality, generosity and faith to see God move in the nation, in Africa and the world. The people here see themselves as agents of change for God's kingdom. It is difficult seeing the disparity between the rich and the poor.

M.M: Did you enjoy the service at Crossroads?
J.L: I loved the praise and worship. I love the African style where anyone can lead a song. I was so stirred seeing a 10year old lead a song. It excited me and I recorded it on video.

M.M: What did you gain from your whistle stop tour of Ebenezer?
J.L: It's another faith building initiative. It was good seeing how confident the apprentices are when working their fields. I like the aspect of the physical and spiritual going together. I felt connected to Crossroads and Ebenezer before I got here. It's a highlight of being part of a family of churches.

M.M: Who has influenced you in your life?
J.L: My grandfather. His faith influenced me and his simple devotion to honesty and purity.

M.M: Praise God! What is your favourite quote?
J.L: I heard Sam Poe mentioning it and it goes like this...."Cross cultural workers are most happy when travelling to or from their destination."

M.M: Thank you so much Joshua. Great meeting you. I hope you have a safe trip back to your home.

By Molly Manhanga

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